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 Linac calibration

Linac calibration

Linac calibration is a critical process in radiation therapy that involves the adjustment and verification of the accuracy of a linear accelerator (linac). A linac is a sophisticated medical device used to deliver high-energy X-rays or electron beams for the treatment of cancer and other medical conditions.
During linac calibration, various parameters and settings of the linac are carefully adjusted and validated to ensure that the delivered radiation doses are accurate and consistent. This includes verifying the beam energy, beam shape, and dose rate. Calibration measurements are performed using specialized dosimeters and quality assurance tools to assess and validate the linac’s performance.

Accurate linac calibration is essential to ensure that radiation treatments are delivered precisely as prescribed by the radiation oncologist. It helps in achieving the desired radiation dose distribution while minimizing the risk of damage to healthy tissues surrounding the targeted area. Regular calibration and quality assurance procedures are performed to maintain the linac’s performance and ensure patient safety.

Linac calibration is typically carried out by qualified medical physicists who have expertise in radiation therapy equipment and dosimetry. They follow established protocols and guidelines to ensure consistent and accurate calibration practices across different linac machines.

By maintaining strict quality control and performing regular linac calibration, healthcare facilities can uphold high standards of radiation therapy treatment and ensure the safety and well-being of patients undergoing radiation treatment.

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